Get to know me

When I started this blog I thought it would be an outlet, some kind of escape from the silence I usually live in, I was thinking I'd have a journal like the guy in Butterfly Effect, some kind of time capsule where I could look back in a few years and refect on what I was feeling and going throught at some point of my life.
The thing is that the very fact of writing a journal on Internet where everybody can read it's contradictory. Sometimes I think I'm the only one that actually reads the articles, but then I look at the statistics and I realize I'm not. The worst part is not that people from Israel or Argentina bump into this small corner and find out she has me upside down, or that trying to express myself in a way that people from different cultures can understand is difficult, no, that's not the worst of having a blog... what gives me the creeps is that MY FRIENDS read this, people I know, co workers, teammates, people I go to school with, people that barely know me and people that know me very well.

When I was in High School I learned about The Johari Window and that gave me a lot to think about, how little do we know about ourselves and how bad do we really want to know? We should all learn about the effect we have on other people, the impression we cause on them and the perception other people have about us, that's my idea of making a better world... or at least one of them.

I always thought that people should talk (or write for that matter) about things they know, I have fun reading blogs about technology, movies or music but I refuse to write about that in my space, I'll let that to people who actually know about those subjects. What I know, or what I want to know is me, period. If knowledge is power, then the knowledge of oneself should be the ultimate power... right?

Now listening: Sabrina Setlur - Ich bin so

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